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Full stack Web development...

Lada-studio. Full stack Web development.
We offer safe and time-tested solutions for your business! Clear, consistent, simple interface and thoughtful Business logic!
We create both client (frontend) and server (backend) components of websites. Our solutions include all the elements and procedures for both, interface development and backend... «» offers you and your business an interactive platform that provides and receives information for unhindered interaction with the user...
Web development uses the MVC (Model, View, Controller) architectural pattern. The MVC design pattern separates application data, user interface, and control logic into three separate components Model, View, and Controller, so that each component can be modified independently... This allows you to simplify the code of a large application, make it understandable and structured, facilitate maintenance, testing, and reuse of elements! View sample code
MySQL is one of the most popular database management solutions and offers simple yet very effective security mechanisms! We apply a complex system of rights control for different users, encryption and verification are used. Much attention is paid to the security of data on the server side and its additional protection! Using PHP Data Objects (PDO)... MySQL code example (PDO)
Modern JavaScript is a "safe" programming language and the most common tool for creating interfaces in the browser. JavaScript is available for everything related to the manipulation of web pages, user interaction and the web server... We make complex things simple! View sample code
Java is a multi-platform object-oriented programming language that runs on billions of devices around the world. Many, if not most, mobile applications are built in Java. Often used for Android apps development due to its stable platform and versatility. Create your Android application in WebView (Java)..! Android application code